Democracy over algocracy

The threat from Big Tech’s influence and unclear AI regulations grows. Europe needs clear AI guidelines and a multilingual platform for reliable, democratic information access.

“I don’t idealize solidarity.”

Matthias Pfeffer and Barbara Prainsack discuss solidarity in the digital age, emphasizing its evolving nature in highly differentiated societies. Prainsack calls for public digital forums to counter the commercial dominance of digital spaces.

News platform for all of Europe

Matthias Pfeffer discusses his Council’s mission to create a secure European public sphere, free from misinformation and hate speech. He emphasizes the need for a multilingual news platform to enhance media diversity and foster European unity, leveraging AI to bridge linguistic divides.

Instead of TikTok & Co: A European media platform

In 2024, Europe faces a crucial election amid concerns over profit-driven social media and generative AI’s manipulation capabilities. With new voting rights for 16-year-olds in Germany, a European information infrastructure is essential to ensure reliable, democratic discourse.